The meta conversation about often provides me with such insight for free, specifically about the world of developing software, services, platforms, and so on.

I don’t have experience in that world and I am about to dive in entirely, now that we’re settling in our forever home (region).

Riffing on @numericcitizen’s recent post about taglines: Write. And share.

I just played CGP Grey’s One-in-a-Million Game. Super fun!

Echo is a very good show. ๐Ÿ“บ

I am still angry about what happened on the other day. I am going to refrain from using a specific word, since incendiary public comments from me aren’t going to help.

Instead, I’ll say; personal attacks are cowardly; personal attacks in public are nasty; and we must do better.

Historical note: Mac OS X Snow Leopard did in fact include new features and significant changes across the operating system.

The pinned profiles feature of Gluon is so good that it should be part of the official platform ASAP. I want it on the Mac, web, phone… everywhere.

Also: provide a reminder to folks that they can put @news and @help in there. Include those in a bundle with Manton and Jean. plug-in idea:

A “Follow box” in which you get a page, or widget for embedding on a page. Inside the widget/page are the different built-in ways to follow you; different feeds, newsletter, MB profile.

Optional extras;

  • add your own links;
  • use icons;
  • and customise with text.

A new feature for Fastmail:

Manage your incoming mail by email address. Set up your address to file or label, forward a copy, or delete mail.

Enhancements without the off-topic nonsense ๐Ÿ‘

They don’t gotta burn the books, they just remove ‘em

โ€” Rageย Against the Machine, Bulls on Parade

Almost thirty years ago.

I need to find a source of physical lyrics.

Okay now I’m done with the small updates to TIL. So worth it for having category pages back, though.

… oh. That’s new.

Deleted my Shopify “Shop” account. That thing was annoying.

After 18 months of being broken, the category pages for @TIL are now working again! This is all thanks to the collaborative spirit from the Help forums, for which I am again thankful.

Thanks to @cfristrom, @sod, and @manton an important part of TIL is back up and running. ๐Ÿ™Œ


The inherent good of archiving

I think one of the reasons I am drawn to archiving โ€” and the little human world created around that general practice โ€” is the belief that if we can more easily remember past mistakes then perhaps we can learn from them and do better.

It’s an intentional act, and when done well provides a healthy contribution to the betterment of our collective lives.

Since I’ve put effort into no longer making feature requests for โ€” I used to do this a lot and now think it’s better for other people to be heard โ€” an interesting thing has happened; it has become clear exactly what my most wanted feature actually is.

Mute specific conversations.

-> GP appointment for treatment cancelled before Christmas
-> Pain and difficulties worsen
-> Leave for re-scheduled appointment
-> Bus just doesn’t appear at all
-> GP surgery phone queue is “full”
-> Now have to re-schedule again
-> The pain and difficulties continue again

… in “Great” Britain.