
Instead of publishing that snarky post I just wrote, I’m going to share this post of a Very Good Sweet Good Good Boy.

Now testing with a singular mention of @maique. Maybe two mentions was dangerous!

Another notification test for @maique, this time as a full post. Hi @maique 👋

No free writing this morning. An intentional choice, which feels as good as having done the exercise.

In the past 15 seconds I have clicked the blue-bar notification in the MB Mac app for “new posts”. Each time the bar just disappears, the timeline reloads, and there is nothing new.

I now feel worse. This repetitive, pointless clicking is exactly the behaviour I have not associated with Micro.blog.

For 2024 so far, there have been 277 entries on Micro.blog News.

That’s quite a productive year.

First free-writing session for two weeks. Feels much better.

Now, onto issue four of the newsletter and the next part of Orchid.

I sent out the third issue of the bts newsletter for TIL a few hours ago. This has quickly become a very good outlet for getting me back on track.

Today has been a relentlessly local day - delivering the local residents’ association mag, and editing the parish mag.

Print is not dead. It’s just local.


As well as stability and better customer service, if I could have chosen a third option in the Micro.blog poll it would be app parity.

I don’t think every part of the platform should be in each app but some features ought to be available anywhere.

Currently I wish the Embed button was on the Mac.

Avocado on brown toast and fussy coffee for brunch. That’s my millenial card punched for the day.

The remaining cursor error (for my current uses) looks so threatening.

Nice text you have there. It would be a shame if something…

… happened to it.

This week Mark Zuckerberg met at Mar-a-Lago with a convicted criminal who is out on bail. I stopped posting to Instagram in 2017, but I keep giving Meta second chances. No more. It’s time to burn this shit to the ground and move forward with the open web. Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to.


Several major changes today. If you have Mastodon cross-posting enabled, we now pull replies from your Mastodon account. There’s a new set of filter buttons on the web to show only Micro.blog, Mastodon, or Bluesky replies. Plus bug fixes, performance improvement, and note revision backups.

Micro.blog News

Combined with default encryption, this makes MB Notes compelling.

I need to do proper testing to verify the current state of things but the only other feature I’d consider crucial would be full offline access; that includes the type performance you get from plain text editors.

Bake Off final time

Dogs are the best.

I wish I could choose to display an edit log of my posts. Could be a useful tool for encouraging transparency and emphasising the humanity of blogging.

(I understand the robots could probably easily fake this but I still like the idea.)

We met two New Zealand Huntaway dogs yesterday. First time meeting that breed and they’re immediately on the list of “If We Owned A Large House” dogs we’d love to add to the family.

And the freewriting train has returned. Apparently it can take extended weekends off.