Full black background for Dark Mode looks pretty sweet in the iOS app. 😎
I wonder if, here on, there are people who would like to share their Spotify playlists? 🤔
I could make a @til account, save the playlists, and then link to that page as a directory of sorts. Then, maybe the page could be shared on TIL,, Twitter, etc. 🎶
Today I am grateful for the powers of recovery to which I owe my body more thanks than I can possibly give. Sometimes a short rest and some healthy food is all you need.
I’m looking forward to making big steps with @til and major house-tidying chores.
Basecamp are giving away their book about remote work for free. They don’t own the publishing rights so they can’t “just” sell it for free; as such they are using refunds as a workaround to do this.
Apple fan: “It’s just easier to go with Apple defaults.”
Apple: “No, not from iCloud, you can determine this by looking at each device individually."
Today feels like a good day for @til to return. 😎
The app is designed to be stable and fast.
– @brentsimmons, emphasising the most important feature of any app for the launch of NetNewsWire on iOS.
The NetNewsWire blog is a great model of development blogging, and there is a account: @NetNewsWire
Cocooning actually doesn’t help us acquire or retain the necessary skills for interacting with others (or even recognizing their innate humanity) outside our highly selective bubbles.
I’ve got Can’t stop me by ProleteR on a loop. 🎶
A young person doesn’t turn 18 and realise ‘oh, my voting location is here’… too many people assume that just because we have the internet, everything is obvious, and it’s not.
Thanks to the latest feature release from the team I can look forward to seeing nice, clean microblog posts in my timeline. 😎
Working on @til makes me happy. Missed my own deadline (for returning to full activity) but still excited about the various things I’m lining up for imminent release.
This always makes me feel better. So very grateful to have found and everybody therein. 😊
Wow Drafts is so damned quick! @kaa you weren’t kidding
One of the positive consequences of generally stepping away from life as a usable asset on the web is that I will be entirely removing all of the garbage coverage and commentary about US politics.
It is literal swamp water and we all just fucking drink it up.
The Social Media Morass – Frosted Echoes
I can’t pick a quote. Just read the whole thing because it is all entirely accurate.
Whilst online debate of real issues may be a source of positivity for some people the fact remains that it contributes nothing to the world.
When I read this hilariously bad piece from Mark Wilson at Fast Company and see in the bio at the bottom of the post that he has written “for almost 15 years”, it just makes me feel better about being at the start of new endeavours.