I regret to announce that I will not use a third-party app for twitter dot com
Also me:
ohhhhh look at this
(seriously, Nighthawk looks quite good)
One of my potential Amazon replacements: Hive
I love Panic’s website.
Turns out I’m still really into*.
* I could easily add more along the same lines of the last point.
Home screen: January, 2020 (null)
Neither is it for the weak in Spirit. For, being Black in America oftentimes means living in and loving a country, that does not love us back. You may take exception to my premise but you cannot discount my experience.
Super sad to see Omnibear missing from Firefox.
ProtonMail’s calendar is now in beta. This a piece of software for which I would be willing to drop Fantastical, and Fantastical is one of my favourite apps.
Days since last Facebook scandal
One for your bookmarks. A reminder that no amount of good things people get from Facebook should make us ignore the far-reaching damage it is doing to our species.
It’s like smoking cigarettes and pretending that’s a fine thing to do.
Developing your thoughts and a clear position in a written form that you are comfortable with people reading and using as the basis of a discussion is a terrific quality bar for those thoughts.
– Stephen Kuenzli, Key practices for achieving large professional goals
A quick New Years Eve note regarding TIL. Looking forward to doing more, and doing it better.
Reddit is finally eating itself alive.
In the real world, free web services cannot be sustained without great compromise to the service itself.
Just like with Today I Learned, I’m going to disappear for the holidays. Bye!