More than two years of an “indiscriminate iPhone attack”, centring on both websites and Safari. I know native apps aren’t perfectly safe but stuff like this is why it can be difficult to be pro-web. Who has time to worry about this stuff when you can just use apps?

Replies on

A reply to the ongoing discussion about replies

Going back to at least earlier this year it seemed like the limit on replies was going to be shortened, or at least that was the plan, and if that does happen at any point then all of a sudden the whole “let’s start a conversation” dynamic is much different; perhaps people would be more inclined to take such conversations elsewhere (messaging services, email, physical space, etc) and so the value of the short-reply conversation (micro-convo if you will) stands alone.

There’s a chance with only short replies allowed that replies themselves will take on more of their own identity, and a core part of that will be the shorter replies themselves. Then they would be not just something that is so easily considered clutter. However, I do agree with Smokey that these issues could be better solved via timeline filtering, of which there is already a foundation (filtering out mentions to people you do not follow) and as compared to introducing a “like” system is much less likely to fundamentally alter the entire platform.

I also like John’s idea of “disappearing likes." It reminds me of how Snapchat first became popular due to disappearing posts, except this could serve as less destructive version of “likes” in general.

Overall when it comes to cluttered timelines I’m not at all convinced that introducing a reply-wide change to the system is the best way to go, since it feels too much like shoving something on everybody because some people think of short replies as clutter. For those who do think this way, have you considered using RSS in conjunction with I find it’s easier to get at the exact posts you want this way, rather than looking to turn the conversation host ( into something fundamentally different.

Right now replies definitely need some updates and I think this is one of the issues that ought to be addressed. Personally, as somebody outside of the Apple ecosystem I feel there are bigger problems; even short replies are hard work when it comes to just using the web but I think updates to the replies feature across all systems would be a great upgrade for as a whole.

One of the reasons I trust @manton and @macgenie and @cheesemaker more than, say, the latest “hot talent building a platform with VC money” is that has already been built with the idea that if the hosting ever goes away, my data does not go with it.

This is important.

She barely knew how to Google, and yet here she was, browsing Wikipedia articles and D&D fansites.

Antoine H. via Twitter

A brilliant story, wonderfully told.

Conversations like this are why I am looking to leave Google once and for all. Jeremy Keith does a great job of keeping the thread on-topic, whilst both Malte Ubl and Paul Bakaus – the Google employees – speak as if they were part of a cult.

‘My Instagram got hacked and I lost my business’

I think about events like this a lot. American-made social media literally wrecks the lives of people in other countries and yet non-Americans continue to rely on it.

App Launch Map – Spend more time developing your app

This goes right onto my wishlist and the newsletter is an easy subscription decision.

I’d explain more but instead you should listen to Aleen herself:

Spend more time working on your app.

We should expect Apple to lead the industry on this front, but in fact, they’re far behind.

– John Gruber, Siri, Privacy, and Trust

The Jobs quote is devastating.

My unpopular opinion: it’s a testimony to the Clintons’ extraordinarily hardball political acumen that they’ve been subjected to these fever dream theories for 30 years and go-along-to-get-along Obama never was.

John Gruber


Still relevant: This Is America

I’ve been catching up on the different shows from The Economist, and today listened to the In the sharenthood episode of The world ahead. Thoroughly recommended for people interested in privacy, generational culture, and where those issues meet. 🎙

Songlink is a nice alternative to providing links to music streaming silos.

The more I think about the news vs punditry and expertise, the more I agree with @JohnPhilpin re: the news as commodity. I’m not sure the actual news should be available as a publication on a website; perhaps something limited, or strictly feed-based would be better.


For @macgenie. 💛

I am now seriously looking at analogue watches and it’s all @collin’s fault.

Taika Waititi is returning to the many worlds of Thor.

Borys Kit, The Hollywood Reporter