OK. That’s enough WWDC excitement for now. Back to work on @til and a bunch of shamefully late email replies. 😬

We don’t answer to advertisers or venture capitalists. We answer to you.

@smith, Bokeh: Private, ad-free, and user-funded photo sharing

Today I re-downloaded Instagram. As soon as I can use Bokeh I will remove Instagram and never look back.

Remember when you praisin' the butterfly

Don’t you ever disrespect the fucking caterpillar

Royce da 5'9", Caterpillar

One of the reasons I miss iOS so much is YouTube, specifically with regard to how genuinely bad it is. I’m using: Android, on a Pixel 2 to be exact; a Chromebook; Chrome on Windows; and yet YouTube becomes less intuitive over time. Google are dropping the ball on this.

USA now considers its gas exports to be freedom gas

“Molecules of US freedom” is definitely a rejected line from Team America: World Police.

It’s a two-part blockbuster from @smokey with This Week on Micro.blog:

Yes, these are microblog posts. 😎

We Need to Talk About the Larger Scope

No one is forcing these game developers to take these jobs

@frostedechoes, on the effects felt by developers when creating violent video games.

Whilst I understand this isn’t the core of Robert’s point, I will note that I see this kind of qualifier quite a lot across different issues, and I think it’s important for all of us to also make note of the fact that there is an agent influencing the decisions of, well, everybody. That agent is the socio-economic system, the culture we prop up with our many decisions, for which there is no current alternative. If we had a better alternative then things could be different; for example, introducing both universal healthcare and universal basic income would create significant foundations upon which we could all make better decisions.

To put it bluntly, in many cases these developers are in the USA and these terrible jobs are still preferable to having no job, almost entirely due to the punitive treatment of unemployment in said country.

Also, looking at what Jason has said, he ends with the idea of questioning whether to support certain art or not. Again, an easy thing, Jason is taking the much easier route of looking at this small insignificant piece… those pieces do nothing when compared to the foundational issues here, even if they are much easier to talk about.

Significant parts of Facebook and Twitter run unattended.

@manton, Unattended Algorithms

Meanwhile, on Twitter:

When a person tries to report hate speech, they are encouraged to have a heart-to-heart discussion. With the Klan.

Megan Squire

Micro.blog is slower, but also more considered.

@frostedechoes, Social Decay

@macgenie has often spoken about Micro.blog being “the slow social media” and the benefits to this become clearer as more people write about the platform.

We don’t need probable cause, sir. We can stop and search whoever we want.

US border agents, via Nate Abaurrea’s Twitter account

America frightens me. The compliance, the silence, the depth of passive acceptance; it will all be remembered. We can record this now.

What’s beef?

Beef is when you murder motherfuckers on a beat, kill ‘em all, kill ‘em all

Nah, nah, what’s beef?

Beef is brothers dyin’ over shit that never mattered in the first place, lyin’ in the street

ISIS – Joyner Lucas ft. Logic

So so good.

Blog a Lot

I think people neglect to write blog posts because the feedback loop is not as tangible as the onslaught of (sometimes mechanical) likes or faves that you can receive on a social network.

Daniel Jalkut, Blog a Little

It’s a shame people believe what those at Facebook, Twitter, and such like would prefer them to believe; specifically, just because the audience seems to be all on those closed networks that it is therefore the best option to just post everything there and never have an independent, self-owned option as the core of whatever you are posting.

Instead, it’ll be great even if people just change how they think about the whole system, to realise that the closed networks can be useful for specific types of broadcasting but that’s about it. Even then, with regard to messaging not only do we have feed technology but also email and the unbelievable flexibility of open web software as a whole.

It has been encouraging to see the influential voices of the web become louder about these issues in the past few years. It might not be obvious at first but the truth is that we can only build a better world if we learn from our history, identify the good in what we have done, and then attempt to build on that. I truly believe that we can maintain the internet as a force for good, specifically with the web, so long as we hold close to the values of independence, generous spirit, and free thinking; all of which are possible with a web that itself is as open and independent as possible.

#LongLiveTheOpenWeb is another good piece in a movement well worth your time, doubtless there will be more to come and we will all be here, ready to blog a lot.

I don’t have a recommendation for Micro Monday but I do have suggestions:

Enjoy! ⭐

The development of Micro.blog has been steady and thorough from the day the Kickstarter campaign successfully ended. Today I Learned (@til) can help you keep track of updates.

Here’s a starter pack:

Boom. Front page. Not bad eh, @manton.

There is currently a technical problem on Micro.blog, specifically with regard to photos. I’m going to take this opportunity, by way of two @til Tips, to remind members of the best places to get info in times like this:

Bokeh will be ad-free, have a chronological timeline, and will be private by default. That means that all accounts will start off as private.

@smith, Bokeh: Private, independent, and user-funded photo sharing

A great addition to the diverse, independent web.

Apple User Documentation or the Lack Thereof

There’s an interesting conversation here regarding Apple and support documentation, specifically with regard to what is missing.

This is embarrassing. “It Just Works” should more than cover documentation. I don’t know how many people I’ve read and heard in revered tone about “The Most Holy HIG” and so on… seriously, they are a trillion dollar company and don’t have the resources to make comprehensive guidance across ALL formats? That is utter bullshit and completely user hostile.

Oh, also, don’t forget that “you’re doing it wrong” will make an appearance from time-to-time whenever the executives have been lowered to our level in response to something on which the company has fucked up.

I see a lot of “they’re premium” whenever somebody brings up Apple being expensive. Irrespective of the realities of premium or not, Apple certainly screams premium with everything they do but the deep holes in their user documentation, whatever the format, is terrible and counter to even the slightest notion of a premium experience.

The statement went against everything I had experienced as a person who stutters.

– Pratik Mhatré, Self-Disclosure Statement

I like this speech a lot. It’s like a warm greeting in written form. Nice work, @pratik!

For now, Spotify is only focused on content promotion within its own service — not anything outside of its app.

– Sarah Perez, Spotify launches voice-enabled ads on mobile devices in a limited US test

Welp. There goes my Spotify account.