“Just” is a dangerous word.
But does all social media use consist of these projections? No.
– @cheri, Is Social Media a Waste of Time?
Cheri is willing to keep her mind open to the possibility that other people’s lives are different from her own and that is fucking awesome.
Before I even begin to build a website for a client, I engage in a deep conversation around two simple questions: Who is coming here and what are they looking for?
– Patrick Rhone, How I Build Websites
That thing when I said to subscribe to Patrick? Yeah, that.
Not entirely sure what purpose a website would serve someone like me so this page is here to redirect you to more interesting places.
Clear, honest, useful. Everything a promotional website should be.
Added setting alt text on photos for accessibility. Click the photo thumbnail before posting to your blog.
– Manton Reece, Micro.blog for macOS photo improvements
An excellent addition. Great to see another Micro.blog update, following the big effort on iOS last month.
“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive? Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”
We can’t do it, we just can’t ship junk.
Look who is sitting next to Steve Jobs in that video. Meanwhile, on Twitter.
Don’t use swear words on your blog.
I’ve seen this floating around. Again.
Listen, say the fuck whatever you want on your blog. We have enough self-censoring, sanitised bullshit on the web without independent voices adding to that mediocre pile of shit.
I’m tired of managing plugins. I’m tired of managing themes. I’m tired of wrangling metadata. I’m beyond tired of trying to manage the growing complexity of the Wordpress platform.
Oh look, a mirror.
I’d pay for a non-ad-based, privacy-protecting social network that was tightly curated to enforce standards of civility.
I wonder if Walt has heard of Micro.blog?
Steve Jobs would hate the trade-in banner on apple.com!
– idiots everywhere
Reminder: Steve Jobs cut the price of the iPhone to 200 dollars, continuously lowered the price of the iPod, and was ready to push the lock-in strategy a lot harder than Tim Cook has.
This is the Micro.blog news blog. We’ll include blog posts here about recent changes or to highlight new features
news.micro.blog is the latest addition to the set of official Micro.blog blogs. It already looks really good. 🎉⭐
Five decades of Met publications on art history, available to read, download, and/or search for free.
MetPublications is yet another project of the web in which we freely share the best of our societies.
– Innes McKendrick, encountering the imperial system of measurements
This thread is fucking glorious. 😂
… there’s no fallback to a web page …
– John Gruber, I’m Ping Pong King
The feature stories for iOS can’t be viewed on a Mac. The same stories Apple says negate the need for affiliate revenue to exist.
Reminder: Apple doesn’t give a shit about the web.
LOL somebody asked a question about why Apple software doesn’t work a certain way and you, the rando, replied with
you’re so funny LOL GOOD ONE, MY FRIEND.
The UK would be significantly worse off under all possible Brexit scenarios in 15 years’ time, according to a benchmark economic analysis produced by a range of government departments including the Treasury.
Water remains wet.
They did it with a small team and weren’t afraid to grow slowly.
Reminder to everybody on Micro.blog; for the platform to be good or successful does not require a team of people literally sacrificing their lives to make it grow. We are in good hands.
You’ll need Oreo (Android 8.1) or higher and I will only support the app on the most recent version of Android. I know about “Pie” and this is the version I’m actively developing against.
– Vincent Ritter, Gluon for Micro.blog Android
You can ask for access via the post! 🎉