It’s also unclear what might happen to podcasts that don’t update to secure feeds.

Dan Misener on Apple requiring podcasters use secure feeds

The anti-https people aren’t going to be happy.

Twitter finds a lot of horrible things permissible, is what I’m saying, and it doesn’t want you to be able to filter or curate your experience. They want to sell your shit.

Matt Fraction

It’s time for me to go. Nothing is essential to the point of tolerating this shit.

From a reply in a Twitter thread:

Thanks for doing the work on maintaining this as a thread.


“What haven’t I been reading lately!?”


Why haven’t I been reading them!?

You Are Trash!

… fair. :/

In this tweet are the reasons for my change of heart over the past two decades, from:

I’m definitely visiting parts of the US.


… eh.

I strongly support traditional family values

Vickers Cunningham, a former criminal district judge who is running for a seat on the Dallas County Commissioners Court

Narrator’s voice: No, he fucking does not.

We have to pay for being a woman in so many ways. All humans pay for toilet roll but only women have to pay for menstruation.

Claire Field

The thought of public money paying for this wedding when people are actually hungry in this country is just something we couldn’t bare.

Fuck The Royals: A bar in Liverpool is matching donations for local food banks


That was deliberate. They lured us away from the public view, down a little side street, and then they did what they did.

Michael Longsmith

The Royal wedding, supported by this nation’s police thugs. Shameful.

She personally wrote the order to destroy 92 tapes of CIA torture.

The new CIA Director is a terrorist

The momentum from potential leaders of the future into Stalin-esque monsters continues for the USA.

Do you hear Yan-

Let me stop you. There are literal pieces of shit about which I care more.

Our goal was to make the device as adaptable as possible, so gamers can create a setup that works for them in a way that is plug-and-play, extensible, and affordable.

Phil Spencer

Interesting contrast to Apple’s premium remote offering.

The world’s biggest soybean importer, China has nearly tripled its imports from Russia, according to Bloomberg.

Josh Delk, The Hill


a turd of the highest quality

Om Malik describes Skype perfectly

There is a need for a device built for teams and designed for these new environments.

Microsoft iterate on computers-as-decoration

As a Windows user I am constantly reminded that my computer is a byproduct.

I would think Google would want to kick Apple’s ass here.

John Gruber on Google’s changes to their storage prices

It’ll be interesting to see if Apple ever gathers the courage to offer unlimited photo + video storage from one of their phones.

… Israel has now killed more than 90 Palestinians in the past six weeks for approaching the fence it placed around Gaza, surpassing the total number of East Germans shot and killed for trying to scale the Berlin Wall from 1961 to 1989

Robert Mackey

Childish Gambino is a genius.

LK covers the imagery in This Is America

It saw an incredible rate of evolution, being revised every nine months or so for its entire run

Stephen Hackett on the 20th anniversary of the iMac G3

Or what Mac users now call the good old days.