By IndieWeb I mean in an informal way as a general idea, since I’m not yet au fait with official standards.
This is my personal progress:
- This site is up and running with regular posts.
- Twitter account is archived, pending deletion depending on how Jack and co. decide to tackle obvious problems.
- Only other social profiles are Apple Music, Vimeo, and YouTube.
- Last one remains because Google have well and truly destroyed open web video with this monopoly.
- is now my regular haunt for commenting, social web things.
- Using RSS to read more than I ever have.
- Actively working on my preferred set-up for this, which is work on my web tools that I am actually enjoying!
- Signed up to Pinboard.
- Maintained my Fastmail account.
- Setting aside time for focused research on managing my own site from the server level.
- WP-hosted is okay but I need to decide if I have enough time and energy to do my own thing as opposed to spending money for similar results. Right now I favour the latter, mostly because I just want to write.