Why I Don't Use Twitter

I recently talked about my discontent with Twitter, having been on-and-off again with the whole thing for years. Not only has that feeling intensified since joining Micro.blog a few months ago but it has in fact thoroughly swung into the off part of the cycle, which has happened before now only I did not have the same stable set-up that is now available to me when it comes to my own site and other blogging.

I have more to say about exactly what it is that I am doing but now is not the time for it. Instead, this is why I’m leaving my Twitter account as an archive and withdrawing entirely from it:

  1. Incompetent product development: leaders who are either unwilling or incapable of curtailing the foul parts of their service, from abuse through to soulless spam and the intersection therein.
  2. Hostile product development: a first-party environment that is all about using you up for advertisers with very little reward.
  3. Inferior product: the alternative, whether via IndieWeb initiatives and ideas built with open standards in mind (such as Micro.blog) or simply using RSS readers for consumption and email for feedback, are made with the idea that using the web is a good thing and should not be punitive.

As such I’ll be here, with updates and all sorts of other activity forthcoming.

Goodbye Twitter, and hello Micro.blog. 👋

✴️ Also on Micro.blog
Simon Woods @SimonWoods