Sometimes things don’t turn out the way you think they will. Life can be full of surprises that way. Here I am, not even a week into this year and already changes are afoot that even a few days ago I would not have expected. Let’s get to those changes.


  • Posted my CSS as a Gist.
    • I use the Marfa theme for Mumblings, with a bunch of custom CSS to twist it into the shape I prefer. The code is now on GitHub, for anybody to grab and/or leave feedback. I’ll also soon post it to this site.
  • Projects:
    • They Chose Us is a website dedicated to my cats, Kismet and Aria.
    • Firebyrd is the home of my wife and I for our collaborative work, including our blog with which we will post updates.
  • Increased contributions to Micro.blog on GitHub.
  • Snapshot has been put on indefinite hiatus.
  • Returned to Twitter and Instagram.

The future:

  • Today I Learned returns proper on Monday, the 14th of January.
    • The December edition of The Macro Report will be back before then.
  • For The Weekend returns this Friday, the 4th of January.
  • Introducing: Broken Ground, a photo-based record of the public infrastructure in Liverpool.
    • I’m going to highlight the condition of the streets and roads in my local area, within the relevant context to talk about why this is important and exactly why, as citizens, we should demand more from both those in positions of authorities and each other.
  • Introducing: Chronicles of Thedas, a fan-site hosting stories set in the Dragon Age universe.
  • Regular longer form blogging is forthcoming on Mumblings, with a reduction of shorter posts.

I briefly moved Mumblings, this site, from Micro.blog Hosted to Tumblr but now it is back again and I couldn’t be happier. I believe strongly in the work being done by the team, that Manton is right when he says the best future for the web is one made of smaller networks of higher quality rather than the current roster of social media behemoths.

I have big goals for this year and Today I Learned is a big part of that. I can’t wait to restart the project on the 14th of the month, especially with the plans I have in place for further expansion.

I hope to get my Micro.blog Hosted photoblog back up before the end of the year, along with a couple of other blog-based ideas for which I am currently in the early planning stages. In the meantime I’m going to keep blogging here and look forward to a year of even more people getting back to blogging.

Happy New Year!

– Simon

Simon Woods @SimonWoods