A Plea for Help

Earlier today I put out a short post to ask for help.

Unfortunately my wife and I have discovered that we will be short of money to cover all of our bills this month, and it is making what is an otherwise life-changing event into an all-too familiar ball of stress, anxiety, and frankly, shame.

With that in mind I’m going to step outside of my usual tight-lipped approach and provide a preview of the direct benefit to donating towards my efforts with Today I Learned.

Here are the things your donation can help me make:

  • Guides: The existing Guides will be updated, and more importantly a whole new batch will be published over a short period of time. This will relaunch Guides as a regular post type, including special editions in which related Guides are published over the space of a week.
  • Return to regular posting. Everything from before the break – Tips, Updates, Introducing, Lookup, the recently launched Linked posts, and ICYMI: the weekly catch-up edition of the newsletter – plus the return of The Macro Report.
  • The rest of the special edition of The Macro Report.
  • Reactivation of the Twitter account, with which I’ll make it easier for people outside of Micro.blog to see just how awesome our community is.
  • Further design improvements to the site and Post Haste (the newsletter).
  • Brand new regular post types, starting with a micro-guide that is entirely image-based.
  • A new edition of Post Haste, built around staying updated with urgent Micro.blog events.

… and more. My plans reach well into the future, with everything built on a steady and sustainable timeline. On the Support page I state that I won’t make promises, so this feels even more uncomfortable to write.

However, I hope that highlights just how urgent my current needs have become. You wouldn’t just be helping my family, you would also be securing the path to Today I Learned 2.0. 🙏

Today I Learned donations

Simon Woods @SimonWoods