One of my big goals for @TIL is that whenever a new MB feature is released, I’ll publish related materials for it as quickly as possible; short posts first, followed by detailed stuff within a few days, and so on.
Not sure how long it’ll take me to get there but it’ll happen eventually.
A big thank you to the @cygnoir and the folks in the Micro.blog Analog Tools Meetup.
I haven’t attended since the first session — a failure I will amend at the next session — and yet am so happy whenever I get the invitation via email, and see posts about it on the timeline.
Am I alone in struggling to read this grey-on-white text from the folks at Glass?
Ever since Hogan joined our family I have found it impossible look at or watch any sort of media that includes dogs in any sort of discomfort or uncertainty. Just impossible.
Second freewriting session in as many days. 📝
Yep. This is definitely the thing.
Just need to push to be the first thing I do in the morning. And on paper, as well as keyboard.
Listening to maxzwell’s vlog beats set, as part of one of my work playlists. Helps me to rest from the morning routine to get into work mode. 🎶
Anybody else seeing false “new posts” notifications inside the MB Mac app? I click the banner and… no new posts. It usually happens when there are new posts but it’s like I first need to run through the “false banner”, if that makes sense.
Zelensky has been fighting Putin.
Now help is here in the form of Musk.
Cue the fucking clown music.
I have recently found Danish String Quartet. There are times like this in which I am both thankful for the web and annoyed that classical music is still not as well supported regarding quick retail access of live performances.
The other part of me—that mysterious wellspring—wants to take my pen down different paths.
— Meadow, On waking up to write every morning
There are many reasons for my love of writing, and this is one of them; to wander is to be entirely human.
Also, I need to start my own daily practise.
There’s nothing odd about the power button on the new Mac Mini. It’s like the charging port for the Magic Mouse.
Apple wants to make these things obsolete, I’d put my money on that. By physically obscuring these functions they’re exerting (conservative) influence on them disappearing entirely.
Read the whole thing: Chose and Lose by Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin.
Is anybody else seeing a performance hit to their MB test blog? Loading a new post, rebuilding the site, account log loading… all of that is just stuttering.
First time I had to go looking in the spam folder to find a MB email. It was for confirming a newsletter subscription.
A tool should have rules. When to use the tool. Why to use the tool. Why this tool and not another tool. When to put it away. How to use the tool safely.
— Patrick Rhone, This Is A Tool
Transitions is another great recent post from Annie Mueller.
This is the kind of stuff that makes the thought of resuming lengthier blogging as a practise feel much less daunting.
Annie Mueller’s Writing is a myth is brilliant. You should read it right now. I am going to print it out.
Also, this bit:
It is important, sure, but so is talking and eating and copulating and we do those every day as if they are No Big Thing so surely we could wrap our minds around writing and do it as just Another Thing too.
Hi @Annie. Please stop smacking me in the face. k thx 👍