GitHub questions: I was thinking about using it for somewhere to post the custom CSS for my blog theme. Is that a good idea or should I put it somewhere else? If it has a place on GitHub, where exactly? Somewhere in the repo? Fork? Start my own?
Finally, the blog post we’ve all been waiting for:
Why write about lunch? by Brent Simmons
Oh, yeah, also is 1 year into its public life.
Oh, it’s Micro Monday again! I’d like to point you to @Miraz, who posts about a variety of subjects in a thoughful and considered manner and gives a look into her world all the way down there in glorious New Zealand; her photos are often stunning and make me super jealous. 😍
Five decades of Met publications on art history, available to read, download, and/or search for free.
MetPublications is yet another project of the web in which we freely share the best of our societies.
– Innes McKendrick, encountering the imperial system of measurements
This thread is fucking glorious. 😂
I often forget the Internet Archive is more than just the Wayback Machine. In fact, it is a reflection of humanity at our very best. Preserving the records of our actions is one of the best ways we can plan better for the future.
Advent Calendar of Compliments
@mandaris has a great idea for the holiday season. This is such a nice addition to the community. 😊
… there’s no fallback to a web page …
– John Gruber, I’m Ping Pong King
The feature stories for iOS can’t be viewed on a Mac. The same stories Apple says negate the need for affiliate revenue to exist.
Reminder: Apple doesn’t give a shit about the web.
For The Weekend: Eleven
A few things for you:
- Meet Cambodia’s First LGBTQ Dance Company is a beautiful short documentary revealing an aspect of positive change in the world. Progress is a slow march, or so it seems but it is stories like this to which we must look for inspiration.
- I’m Sick of Your Tiny, Tiny Type gets to the heart of the matter when it comes to making good, accessible websites. Words on a screen neither need to be small nor do they look better for it.
- Sunlit for iOS has a beta and it is now open to anyone. You can access the test version of this excellent photoblogging app via TestFlight, brought to you by the fine people behind
- Overhead at the Costco Food Court contains an altogether absurd collection of quotes. I’m not surprised Cheri Baker chose to record them but I am relieved she did so; I can only imagine how well this kind of experience serves the author.
- The intro episode of the People First podcast is the debut of John Philpin as a podcaster. Despite his (lawfully bound) concern over his ability, it’s quite clear he has a voice for radio as they say, and I am looking forward to future episodes.
- Episode 0 of Third-Person Voice sees another podcasting newcomer, Amit Gawande, introduce another voice that I am looking to hear from much more; short stories for short episodes is a good idea and I already like what I’ve heard.
- A sunset on Mars is both eery and spectacular. David Smith perfectly captions this awesome moment, originally captured by NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity.
- Fourteen seconds of Boca Juniors fans is a fierce slice of footage. Never mind that they are attending a training session for the Argentine football club.
Enjoy your weekend!
Apple and the Halo
This is kind of an “iTunes on Windows” moment.
– Manton Reece on Apple Music coming to Alexa devices
I couldn’t agree more. iTunes on Windows + iPod = my only exposure to Apple previous to the stage in my life when I actively got involved with the Apple enthusiast community, and those two things made a lasting impression.
In fact, earlier this year I tried going all-in on Google, Android phone, the works, and that included not just dumping Apple Music but also iTunes; in the end, every other music player grated on me and that was in comparison to iTunes for Windows. Things have become bad enough overall that I have now returned to my goal of attempting to go all-in with Apple, starting with AirPods (they’re fucking awesome) and the 2018 iPad.
With moves like this Apple could build up a buffer of goodwill and for sure help themselves with future mistakes; the past few years has seen most of the heavy criticism aimed at the company come after other mistakes and missteps were made. Too much negative momentum has built up over time and making as many steps into cross-platform waters as they can will likely help negate that momentum, even if only as a starting point in the effort to do so.
I too easily forget about the Acknowledgements page on MacStories. It is heartening to see such a prominent highlight of the importance of Open Source.
Hosted Comments
In reply to:
I really think hosted Micro.blogs need an on-blog comment system so non-blogging friends can comment. If you are coming from FB, you can tell your friends about RSS readers and keeping in touch, but if they can’t converse with you it’s all for nothing.
If it worked with webmentions and the like then sure, even still that would mean needing to prompt people to get that set up for themselves – the infrastructure for this already exists through accounts and IndieWeb custom domain usernames – which flies in the face of that which people have been trained; easy, frictionless, embedded, centralised.
I don’t think closed commenting (like WordPress comments) does much to change enough of the existing problems with commenting systems; as one of the stated goals for is to encourage people to own the things they post, I’m not sure ease of use is a strong enough factor to encourage such a thing. Also, if it was done similar to WordPress comments we get back to the point where it’s down to the person running the blog to manage comments – personally, I’d rather take a walk in traffic – and invariably includes the complications inherent therein; aside from anything else it often looks cluttered and unintuitive.
If the option to display comments comes to hosted sites a good first step might be the aforementioned messaging to encourage people to use their own domain or a account for commenting. Beyond that, I think it’s a case of waiting for other commenting systems based around similar ideals to surface; the open web, ownership, etc…
Although, if commenting were to become that in and of themselves I wouldn’t complain. I mean, I would be shocked to see such a thing since, seriously, there is no skeevy VC money here or soul-destroying monetisation through which could gain a team and work at the level required to also build a separate, complimentary commenting system.
The new design for the Help home page is looking… mighty fine. 😉
Mira Sorvino makes an observation about the US with President Trump, then some rando decides it’s time to put her in her place via Twitter, and her reply is FUCKING. EVERYTHING.
I love seeing sad little manbabies getting put into their place. It feeds my soul.
The UK would be significantly worse off under all possible Brexit scenarios in 15 years’ time, according to a benchmark economic analysis produced by a range of government departments including the Treasury.
Water remains wet.
Patrick Rothfuss has started the 10th Annual Worldbuilders End of year Fundraiser. And he’s already crying.
Here is the fundraising hub for a damn good campaign. Well worth your time.
Apparent Apple Failure
In reply to:
so unless apple delivers something as successful as a product that repeats the success of a prior product that pretty much all in the industry agrees is unparalleled in terms of success than any other product ever produced … they are stalled?
(Did that make sense?)
I’m not talking about the best they’ve ever done… I’m talking about the bottom standard:
- The relative lack of movement with regard to hardware updates.
- Further dumbing down their own software for no discernible reason…
- … whilst making clumsy changes that affect third-party developers badly.
- Ramping up prices overall.
- Not just premium but an actual fuck you to all but the wealthy few who care.
- The utter failure in managing optics for their messes – the “PRIVACY TECH COMPANY THAT CARES” cannot be forgiven for failures in optics.
- … and the stupid book, the ridiculous fuck ups with leaks, the iPhone battery bullshit.
I mean, come on. Of course they have always fucked up, that’s to be expected since people run these companies but Jobs set a platform and Tim Cook has missed a great chance to create a cavernous difference in quality and stability between them and the competition, a true and undeniable justification for the premium label.
Now of course, I am an outsider (I have an iPad and AirPods – both of which are brilliant) who has listened to a bunch of Apple tech podcasts and read Apple punditry for the past few years. If over the next year, as I get more Apple hardware and immerse myself further into their ecosystem, things aren’t as bad as they seem (see: the list above) then great, turns out perception does not match reality. At that point, despite the failings of the people in my position I will still lay some of the blame at Apple’s feet; too many times when they engage in any sort of PR action it is either neutral to the point of irrelevant or so clumsy you’d think they were a bunch of young idiots running their first company, and that is unacceptable.
Never underestimate the power of AlternativeTo.