… the data is badly entered and there’s no way for listeners to edit it, even locally. You can do that in Apple Music, but not in Apple Classical Music. So you’re stuck with whatever the label gives you and sometimes that’s just not the way it needs to be.

Gregory Pittman, on Apple’s Classical Music app.

This sounds awful and yet more reason to focus on locally owned and managed music for anybody who cares even a little bit about having a good experience.

Music is too important to me that l would continue to allow Apple’s terrible efforts to dictate the role it plays in my life.

After updating to 16.4 on the iPhone I was being presented with a heavily emphasised option to auto-install.

This is some Microsoft legendary shitty Windows Updates behaviour. Literal, actual junk being shipped from Cupertino.

A pun made in latin about latin concerning cats, in a reply is probably one of the ways I’d define Micro.blog tbh.

Posting to @TIL without posting to TIL is a strange feeling.

Years later and I’m still in love with Bear McCreary’s theme for Black Sails. 🎶

I was just prompted to remember that Micro.blog doesn’t have a category editor for posts. Huh, you can import and host thousands of posts but the categories are still only accessible by going into each post individually… That’s rough.

When you upload a picture, it will remain hidden until you add a description (this ensures that every picture has accessible alt text). With a description in place, the picture will appear on the some.pics landing page and on your personal page (which you can access by clicking your omg.lol address wherever it shows up on the site).

— Adam Newbold, Picture Sharing and Discourse

Not only another cool feature for omg.lol but a great way to actually support accessibility. It would be great if other platforms, including Micro.blog, used a similar system.

Does Mac OS Venture finally let you remove that stupid default clock in the menu bar? Asking for a friend.

Pixelmator Pro now includes device mockups… The value added in this version alone is ridiculous. That’s literally a thing I’m going to use for @TIL!

TIL the term “material weakness”. God we’re good at creating utter bullshit.

It’s weird when, you’re working on something new, and no matter how many times you do this kind of thing The Voice is always there. “Nobody wants this.” Every. Single. Time.

I just watched a trailer for a new video-based publication and one of the selling points they included was “no more long articles”.

Why, as people, do we so often feel the need to create “Us vs. Them” scenarios. It is maddening to see that we often lack the capacity for an alternative approach.

There’s a Speedmaster in the local jewellers… First time I’ve ever seen one.

I found about the updates to Bike thanks to an email Jesse publishes, which he offers as part of the product. It’s simple, honest, and maintains a human touch for a product announcement.

It’s a great example of how independent developers can get something so very right.

Typewriter mode is a brilliant addition to Jesse Grosjean’s Bike Outliner, whilst it’s also good to know that focus mode is also sitting there for when I want to see nothing but Bike.

The other updates further push the app into the status of a flexible, full writing app.

I think I fail the photoblogging challenge at about the ten-day mark each time; need to build the photo-taking habit into my life if I’m ever going to complete it. That’s just where I am at the moment with just about anything. Schedule, schedule, schedule.

Hans Zimmer’s score for Dune is wedged into my brain.

Giving BBEdit a go for HTML and CSS. Also, per my previously mentioned spoiling by my darling wife I got MarsEdit for my birthday and I think all blog posts will go through there; barring tests of the various Micro.blog posting options.

As for iA Writer: long-form and free writing.

I’m in a rambling mood… should probably make sure I set aside the time for free writing.

Now that I’ve remembered the folks at reMarkable are European, or at least European-based, I have also remembered why they stay in my thoughts when thinking about different ways to approach my digital writing.

Such a nice experience to not get shafted by exchange rates and delivery costs.