Got a message from Openreach regarding the broadband. It included a link to a video with help for setting up… on Vimeo πŸ‘€

So very thankful for web apps. Without them I couldn’t post this right now!

I find it so easy to forget that Tenor is owned by Google and Giphy is owned by Facebook.

Every now and then I think about the things I can do with this computer, the kinds of things that were either impossible or so difficult as to be impossible, and it’s a great mixture of anticipation and excitement.

Making plans from this position is so much fun. 😊

Doppler is on the Mac πŸ₯³

… but requires Big Sur 😬


They’re so damn adorable 😭

Yet another random magical encounter on a street. I won’t grow tired of meeting these neighbours 😻

A black and white cat standing alert in the street.

The folks at iA have made a new Twitter account πŸ‘€

When you enjoy your work it can be easy to forget that these are tools and not toys.

Now that the History page for TIL is up to date I have no doubt that the team is about to drop a big update πŸ˜‚

What you can’t see: the sharp reminders that not everything is always as it seems with these beasties.

First day of the return of @TIL πŸŽ‰

Now in the new house, with a computer that is so very good, and a much better environment overall… this is a much more substantial return, thankfully, finally.

If you’re taking part in the October Photo Challenge, you’ll like the latest Tip. πŸ‘€

A Beta Way to Help @TIL

There is now a beta program for Today I Learned! You can take part via the new newsletter, and receive the welcome message when you sign up.

  • Get access to pre-release material. πŸŽ‰
  • Contribute to making TIL better. 🀯
  • Support an indie. 😎

πŸ‘‰ Sign up πŸ‘ˆ

Aaaannnnd… we’re back 😎

A road sign with the word 'Today' on it.

I’m looking at these screenshots of the new Safari UI on Daring Fireball, and am reminded of when I recently used my wife’s M1 MBP. Now I am using my own MBP, it is 10 years old, and I’m using High Sierra… seriously, @gruber, my Safari is better which is just ridiculous.

Today is the First Day With Coffee Since The Move… day.


“Now you can focus on the CoNtEnT! πŸ€ͺ”

Nah. I’ll keep calling them websites, or “sites” for short.

Thanks for standing up for the 2-trillion-dollar company, though. Good effort. πŸ‘

Is the majority of the heat escaping through the keyboard πŸ˜‚

I wonder if I can get pumpkin spice latte around here πŸ€”