One of my big goals for @TIL is that whenever a new MB feature is released, I’ll publish related materials for it as quickly as possible; short posts first, followed by detailed stuff within a few days, and so on.

Not sure how long it’ll take me to get there but it’ll happen eventually.

Very happy to have released the first update to @TIL in a while. 💪

I just completed a full piece of writing for @TIL. The last time I did this was over five months ago.

That feels so good.

It feels so good: my work on @TIL has moved forward from “Planning and Organising and Catching Up With The Space” and into “Work, write, edit, and schedule.”

Not only excited to publish the work but also to open up on how the work is going, more than I have previously.

As well as personal blogging, I’m also back to working on @TIL in a much better way. A big part of that has been internalising scheduling and planning to an extent that I now have clarity with regard to my time, a general sense of awareness if you will.

Next up: walk the dog together.

Tonight’s D&D was another great one. It’s like drinking a late coffee — honestly it reminds me of when I’m in the flow with @TIL.

Improved a few things with the recommendations page linked from a profile. Now includes an OPML download link too.

Excellent work. Raising the visibility and ease of access to OPML files strengthens web feeds as an alternative to silo feeds.

I was looking into creating OPML files for @TIL; I’m still going to do so, only now I do not need to wait until I have accomplished this to launch related features. Instead, I’ll immediately use this MB mechanism for those features.

I’ve come to realise the main drive of what I’m doing with @TIL — beyond the mission statement — and for which I need to begin full advocacy:

People. Not technicalities.

I’m going to relentlessly maintain that focus in the work, and the message.

(h/t @JohnPhilpin and his People First initiative)

After 18 months of being broken, the category pages for @TIL are now working again! This is all thanks to the collaborative spirit from the Help forums, for which I am again thankful.

Thanks to @cfristrom, @sod, and @manton an important part of TIL is back up and running. 🙌

Finally completed switching the publishing schedule for @TIL from Fantastical to TaskPaper. This makes me happy for a number of reasons, not least of all is the fact that the work continues whilst simultaneously my working environment is greatly improved.

Ended yesterday in Pixelmator; started today in Pixelmator. Work on @TIL continues…

Tomorrow, belatedly, a new post on @TIL… 😮‍💨

So. We’re in Cornwall.

It is amazing; even though we’ve only been here together on two occasions, both within the past fourteen months, there is no doubt that Claire and I want little more than to settle in this particular place. The West Country is, truly, exactly where we belong.

And it’s weird, partly because one of the reasons we’re here is so that Claire can attend part one of an interview — we’re both nervous and I have full faith that she will give them no reason other than to offer her the position — and because it is the first time we have ever deliberately taken time out for a break. This is our first holiday together. It’s a short break but when you have not taken one in almost twenty years it feels so very long in the very best way imaginable.

Now, given time away, it has provided me with the chance to prioritise a number of thoughts, ideas, and possibilities that I have been holding back… or rather, I have provided myself with that chance. Isn’t it weird how easy it is to forget that the time we spend is often of our own making?

On top of the many updates due for @TIL, and the shared stories with Claire, I now realise I need to more seriously create space for my long-form blogging. It’s likely that I’ll publish the many thoughts and ideas freed to roam by the break, in an effort to “work-in-public” as I have in the past; a glance at my archives proves that I was once much more open and I can’t deny that many parts of daily life were much better during those times, specifically as relates to my wellbeing and consequent effect on everything around me.

… now that was a ridiculously long sentence.

I’m not sure if future posts will be much like this. I intend to be concise when discussing my ideas and thoughts, although maybe that has also changed recently during my long-form drought? I don’t know…

Posting to @TIL without posting to TIL is a strange feeling.

Pixelmator Pro now includes device mockups… The value added in this version alone is ridiculous. That’s literally a thing I’m going to use for @TIL!

Jumped on the iOS beta train. I was going to wait, for @TIL, however it’s become clear that it makes little sense to prioritise the old version at the moment. Eventually I will make guides and the like for the older versions but I need to focus on the majority use for now.

Making the Mastodon posts and pages for @TIL is becoming a project unto itself 😂

Judging by the number of people using in this conversation alone I’ve gone from maybe covering it for @TIL at some point to definitely covering it sooner rather than later.

Delighted to have seen Adam’s work progress so well over the past year.

Work for @TIL 2.0 continues and I am looking forward to talking about it closer to the release date. This includes details about my delayed progress (hint: it’s been a summer).

Meanwhile, I have updated the Funding page with links, information, and improved language.

This well observed comment from Anna Havron is why I made @TIL. I’m attempting to be much more consistent with it, as well as make significant improvements for beginners.

This has coincided with 18 months of uncertainty at home, and the unpaid work comes last.