Replying to:

@vasta @ChrisJWilson This was my process:

  • Look for episode of podcast in my app.
  • Can't find it.
  • Look on the website for the podcast.
  • Find the episode, now let's put it into the app.
  • Oh, I'll have to download it since there is no browser->app method for this.
  • Oh... Safari doesn't have an obvious way for downloading this file?
  • Welp there I go, using Chrome on my desktop Windows machine.

... this is absolute crap, especially for a medium full of opinionated developers and designers who can't wait to sell their matresses against a tirade against a big tech company.

Now maybe I've missed that there's an obvious place for this, maybe somebody already made Pdcstr and my declarations are short-sighted nonsense. However! I could not find such a solution easily and there is certainly nothing I have seen that gets shared about by said podcasting types of people.

So I think this should be a thing. More than a directory, an acutal place where you can get download links -- or at least links to where the links themselves are genuinely accessible -- for every podcast. This shouldn't be a problem for such a celebrated open medium.

Simon Woods @SimonWoods