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@rcrackley Not in Monterey, and it was the classic Apple bug of happening all of the time and then not happening at all and then returning for five minutes and then... and then...

Before we moved I updated the machine to Ventura, and I should be up and running on that pretty soon. Honestly even if they fixed it I'm not going to change my mind; aside from anything else we now live in a region in which there are multiple stores selling physical CDs, vinyl, and all kinds of equipment. I'm also keen to get back to proper radio — we thankfully have some good options left — with a separate player, and that truly removes any utility from a streaming service.

Sure it'll be there as a back-up, just in case, however those circumstances are diminishing to the point wherein I'll take a serious look at whether we can save money by cutting down our Apple Master Overlord Subscription.

Simon Woods @SimonWoods