Listening to Come Together and it still sounds fresh enough to have been recorded this morning. ðŸŽķ

Strata as second brain.

Strata as paste bin.

Strata as password manager.

Notes are private by default, end-to-end encrypted across all platforms, with a special companion app named Strata for iOS. (Android coming soon.)

— Manton, Introducing notes in

Off to a flying start with this launch 👏

Some links:

Given the excellent launch of the new Notes feature for MB, with the companion Strata app for iOS (Android soon), I think it’s a good time to take a look at Vincent’s latest post about the ways to support his work.

One of my favourite parts of a big new MB feature is adding a whole new section in Bike for stuff to do with TIL, which I currently am doing so. Bonus: the latest update (“Notes”) has the potential to make easier a planned improvement to TIL itself.

The new features, “single-page web site” and Notes, would look good on the MB homepage.

Doing better than popular social networks

Vincent asked:

I am still very much of the same opinion that replacing “insert popular social network here” with something more open which behaves and looks very similar… isn’t the way. Maybe just me. Thoughts?

To me, it seems a lot of problems arise for people when they’ve confused their personal issues with systemic social structures.

tbh a lot of the hand-wringing I’ve seen from people tends to not only be inaccurate but 99% of the time just basic projecting with approximately 0 effort applied to introspection from the individual.

And I mean for all social networks. From the moment I started using the web more than 20 years ago.

Could we do better as a group? Yes, of course — this is always true, and the point of existing if we’re being honest about it. However the web changed the entire definition of that idea (“as a group”) and we’re still in the earliest stages of that process; it honestly feels like a lot of the criticism or disillusionment is way too harsh for such an early stage.

(edit: the critique I have for “hand-wringing” I also apply to myself — I am never happy when I fall into this trap and work on removing it from my life as much as I can; our new home already helps)

It’s fair to say our recent move has been a success. We both feel better, the pets are quickly settling in, and I can already sense that my own thinking and capability for just about all of my work is elevated.

Your environment is so much more important than I see people giving it credit.

Starting the day off with Morricone and some Gold. ðŸŽķ

I just lost a comment I made on a WordPress site because it recognised the email I gave and was all “another user has this email - is this you? ðŸĪŠ” — and once I logged in it then proceeded to wipe my comment as if I had never typed it.

Good job, Automattic. 👍

There have been some interesting posts circulating on “self-censorship”. They’ve all been well worth the time taken to read.

I would like to have a separate experience for following travel blogs. Off the top of my head;

  • a separate feed reader, which is particularly good at displaying photos;
  • or follow via email and always read in a full-size window;
  • long-term: different device, probably a tablet, probably an iPad Mini.

Getting all sorts of important tasks complete with this cosy lofi mix providing the perfect ambience. ðŸŽķ

petition to clone @jean

I’ve come to realise the main drive of what I’m doing with @TIL — beyond the mission statement — and for which I need to begin full advocacy:

People. Not technicalities.

I’m going to relentlessly maintain that focus in the work, and the message.

(h/t @JohnPhilpin and his People First initiative)


A delayed order, now on the move. ðŸĨđ

When shared outside of Glass, your friends, family, or followers will see your photos laid out in the gorgeous Glass Grid with all the details.

— The Glass team, A Look at Series

That’s pretty damned good.

I’ve decided I don’t have time for overly contentious Mastodon people. It’s another flavour of 4chan.