As a man once said:


My package is out for delivery 👀

Keyboard shortcuts for iPad OS 15: finally.

Apple Maps updated design 👍

Apple Maps info (still) 👎

Brand new part of @TIL is prepared and ready to go 😎

I either want a minimalist phone or the latest iPhone Pro Max. There is nothing in between.

I was Today Years Old when I learned that you cannot manage contact groups on an iPhone.

Me and new social networks.

Every single time I think “bah I don’t want a new phone I’m all anti-digital addiction” I then immediately come across a reminder of just how good these devices are as video cameras.

For my life, that’s where the real value can be found.

Killer feature in Discord: hide muted channels.

If you can hear god laugh it’s because I’m making plans.

I now have an inkling of life with only a phone for a computer.

How anybody lives in this hell I’ll never know.

Buttondown is very good.

Goodbye little buddy 👋

I have been stunned by the outpouring of support from the community, having asked for donations to help my family survive the next month.

I will say more but for now: thank you all so much, you’re amazing. ❤️

Donations remain open; I’ll now stop posting reminders.

Glass launched a month ago.

A last message about my request for donations:

Yesterday I posted a Plea For Help. My wife and I are struggling to make ends meet and in the past 24 hours the response has been amazing. I struggle to find the words to express my gratitude. 🙏

Maybe Apple should introduce a Trusted Payment Program for the likes of Stripe and Paypal as a way to stop- oh… well, never mind!


Reminders for my future self, when I have disposable income:

  • This was very difficult.
  • Lots of people in your own country, let alone the world, carry these problems all of the time.
  • Be as generous as possible.
  • Ignore shallow distractions with your money.
  • Always support indies.

Tomorrow is the day I’m going to sell the iPad Pro.

Once we settle into the new place, I’ll return to the old and busted all-in-one Windows machine for as long as it’ll work. 😂

On the plus side, it’s better ergonomically and I can return to a full-sized keyboard and mouse.